UNIUYO Final Year Student Escapes Death After Ceiling Fan Drops Off While Asleep

UNIUYO Final Year Student Escapes Death After Ceiling Fan Drops Off While Asleep

Obongodiong Ikpe,a finalist at the University of Uyo,Akwa Ibom State,told his story of how the ceiling fan which broke and fell off in his hostel could have killed him on Saturday.According to him,one of his two roomies had gone to vigil while the other was in the hospital,so he decided to change from the normal sleeping position before sleeping the previous night.
The fan came crashing down while he was fast asleep and it fell off exactly where he usually slept...He took to Facebook to give God thanks and this was what he wrote;“So this is how they would have said about me today:
“time of death – 5:38am, 14/01/2017
Cause of Death- Hit by a Falling Fan while asleep”
Location – M2 Hostel, University of Uyo.
Principal witness – Edikan Ufanobong
News Headlines – Final Year student of Uniuyo found dead in the Hostel.
Thank you Jesus, now I know for a FACT that “All things work together for good for them that loved the Lord.
Cos when Victor Ekeng became sick and was hospitalized (due to be discharged this morning) and Ekemini Wholesome went for a church program last night, I never knew It was part of your plans to rearrange my sleeping position and save me from imminent danger. Please join me thank this AWESOME GOD for saving me. #HeSavedMe

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