Terrifying Discovery Rocks Kenyan Community: Coffin With Photo Of Living Man Found Dumped Outside His Compound

Terrifying Discovery Rocks Kenyan Community: Coffin With Photo Of Living Man Found Dumped Outside His Compound

A coffin with a picture of a living person has been found dumped in the Nyamwansu Tabaka ward of South Mugirango, Kisii County, Kenya. The discovery outside the compound of Mzee Kayusi, a respected elder who is still alive, has caused fear and confusion among the locals who believe it to be a bad omen due to local customs that dictate a coffin should only contain the remains of a deceased person. The incident has gained media attention, with authorities called upon to investigate the matter. The community is left wondering who could have placed the picture in the coffin and why. A cleansing ceremony is being planned to ward off any bad luck that may have been brought about by the discovery.

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