Guinness World Records Slams the Brakes on Record-A-Thons: Tells Nigerian Lady 'Enough is Enough' After Her Ambitious Record-Breaking Announcement

Guinness World Records Slams the Brakes on Record-A-Thons: Tells Nigerian Lady 'Enough is Enough' After Her Ambitious Record-Breaking Announcement

Guinness World Records (GWR) has taken a firm stance on the recent surge of record-breaking attempts happening in Nigeria and other parts of the world. GWR responded to a Nigerian lady who expressed her intention to create her own record-breaking category, urging everyone to cease their record-attempts.

After Nigerian chef Hilda Baci successfully broke the record for the longest hour an individual cooked, many Nigerians and individuals from neighboring African countries became interested in attempting record-breaking feats. However, GWR has put a halt to these endeavors, stating that "enough is enough."

The international authority on world records has made it clear that they want individuals to refrain from pursuing new record categories. This decision by GWR has garnered attention and sparked discussions among Nigerians and others who have been inspired by previous record-breaking achievements.

With GWR's intervention, it remains to be seen how this development will affect the enthusiasm for record-breaking attempts in Nigeria and the surrounding region.

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