"It was a tough period for me but God showed up strong" Mercy Aigbe Opens Up About Her Tough Road as a Single Mom

"It was a tough period for me but God showed up strong" Mercy Aigbe Opens Up About Her Tough Road as a Single Mom

Nollywood star Mercy Aigbe is on cloud nine as her daughter, Michelle, celebrates her graduation. Her joy is even more profound because of the challenges she faced as a single mother raising two kids.

She shared a poignant before-and-after picture collage, depicting Michelle's departure for Canada and her recent graduation day. Mercy's heart was filled with a mixture of emotions during this journey. On one hand, she was thrilled that her daughter had the opportunity to study abroad, but on the other, she was plagued with worries about Michelle's well-being in a foreign land.

What made this journey even tougher was that Mercy couldn't accompany Michelle to Canada due to financial constraints. She had already spent most of her money on school fees, leaving her unable to afford two plane tickets. So, she had to send her daughter unaccompanied, which led to many sleepless nights filled with anxiety.

Mercy Aigbe openly admitted that she often questioned her decision because of the stories she'd heard about students studying abroad. She feared that Michelle might succumb to peer pressure or other difficulties. There were moments when she thought about calling her daughter back to Nigeria to complete her education.

But through unwavering determination and faith, Mercy persevered. She never stopped working hard, and in the end, God made her dream come true. She expressed gratitude for being kept in good health to witness this day and for receiving divine support throughout the challenging journey.

As her daughter embarks on the next step of her educational journey with a master's degree in sight, Mercy Aigbe's heart is overflowing with gratitude. Her message is clear: she's thankful for the gift of life, health, and the opportunity to see her daughter succeed.

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