"My Strong Woman Percentage Is Remaining 0" Yomi Fabiyi's Baby Mama Issues Dire Warning

"My Strong Woman Percentage Is Remaining 0" Yomi Fabiyi's Baby Mama Issues Dire Warning

Nollywood actor and filmmaker Yomi Fabiyi is under scrutiny as his baby mama, Grace Oreofe, accuses him of posting a suicide note online. In a heartfelt Instagram post, Oreofe expressed her deep despair, citing her reasons, which include a failed deal with the actor.

Oreofe revealed distress over an unfulfilled agreement regarding a project commission with Yomi Fabiyi. She shared her struggles, recounting moments of having to beg for basic sustenance and feeling drained, particularly as she claimed to have been denied access to projects worth millions.

In her emotional plea, Oreofe detailed her frustration with Fabiyi, alleging that he had not been supportive, and she expressed concern about the impact on her mental health. The post, highlighting financial struggles and professional challenges, has sparked online discussions and support for Oreofe, drawing attention to the complexities within the entertainment industry.

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