"I Can Relate With How Much You’re Holding Back On The Pain" Actress Jayeola Monje Pours Her Heart Out To Biodun Stephen

"I Can Relate With How Much You’re Holding Back On The Pain" Actress Jayeola Monje Pours Her Heart Out To Biodun Stephen

Nollywood actress Jayeola Monje has expressed her empathy and concern for filmmaker Biodun Stephen, who recently faced a distressing situation with area boys. In response to Stephen's Instagram post detailing her encounter, where she had to pay 22k to area boys due to a broken-down bus, Monje penned a heartfelt note.

Monje acknowledged Stephen's pain and shared her frustration about living in a society where people seem to have lost understanding of others' suffering. She emphasized that the government, as the only hope for citizens, often turns a deaf ear to their cries.

Offering a solution, Monje called on theater practitioners to unite and protest against the unjust actions of area boys. She highlighted the challenges citizens face at workplaces or locations, expressing the need for collective action.

In her message, Monje lamented the audacity of these boys who claim to be a law unto themselves and called for a unified voice among theater practitioners to address the issue. She expressed a sense of hopelessness and the urgent need for leaders to hear the pleas of the citizens.

Concluding her message, Monje prayed for a better society where individuals can work and walk peacefully without fear. She tagged relevant authorities, including the Lagos State Government and Nigeria's federal government, urging them to take action against the menace of area boys.

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