"I Go Mention Name With My Full Chest" Bimpe Akintunde Expresses Frustration Over Lack Of Support

"I Go Mention Name With My Full Chest" Bimpe Akintunde Expresses Frustration Over Lack Of Support

Nollywood actress Bimpe Akintunde remains unapologetic about her recent public call-out as she expresses frustration over the apparent lack of support for her new movie. In a previous post, Bimpe had hinted at brewing issues and a determination to speak out, leading to speculation about the cause.

Now, she clarifies that her outburst is not related to personal conflicts but stems from her disappointment in the response to her latest movie. With over 900k followers on Instagram, Bimpe questions why only a fraction of her audience, specifically 100k, has viewed her movie on YouTube, which has been available for over a week.

Expressing her frustration, Bimpe emphasizes the importance of supporting each other, urging her followers to watch her movie, titled "AMOKE ONISOFITINA." She concludes by affirming her commitment to addressing the issue, even going as far as mentioning names with determination. The actress calls for genuine support and engagement, highlighting the disparity between love expressed on social media and the tangible support she seeks for her creative work.

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