Odunlade Adekola Seeks Fans' Advice As His Wife Questioned Him What He Was Doing Under The Duvet With Another Woman In His New Movie

Odunlade Adekola Seeks Fans' Advice As His Wife Questioned Him What He Was Doing Under The Duvet With Another Woman In His New Movie


Renowned Nollywood actor Odunlade Adekola has taken to social media to solicit opinions from his fans regarding a scene in his latest movie. Adekola shared a video expressing his wife Ruth Odunlade Adekola's curiosity about a specific scene in his new movie titled "Iwadi."

In the voiced video, the actor disclosed that his wife, while expressing appreciation for the movie's title, raised questions about a scene involving a duvet and another girl. Seeking the advice of his fans and followers, Odunlade Adekola humorously presented the dilemma, pondering what explanation he should give to his wife regarding the mysterious duvet scene in the film.

The actor's lighthearted approach to the situation has sparked anticipation among fans, as they eagerly await responses and suggestions on how Odunlade should handle the inquisitive inquiry from his wife about the intriguing duvet scene in his latest movie.

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