"I want my daughter, Priscilla, to get married at a young age, like I did," actress Iyabo Ojo expressed.

"I want my daughter, Priscilla, to get married at a young age, like I did," actress Iyabo Ojo expressed.

Nollywood star Iyabo Ojo has shared her thoughts on her daughter, Priscilla Ojo, tying the knot early in life. Speaking at Priscilla's 23rd birthday celebration, Iyabo expressed her wish for her daughter to marry young, emphasizing her desire for Priscilla to experience the joy of marriage and motherhood soon.

Iyabo affectionately conveyed, "I eagerly anticipate her beautiful wedding day, the joy of grandchildren. I simply wish her the best, and my love for her knows no bounds." Highlighting Priscilla's commendable traits, Iyabo praised her daughter's diligence, noting her gradual but remarkable progress. Despite nudging her towards certain paths, Iyabo asserted her belief in allowing her children to blossom naturally without undue pressure.

Detailing Priscilla's accomplishments, Iyabo lauded her daughter's ventures in brand influencing, her clothing and bag lines, and her resurgence in acting. However, amidst Priscilla's flourishing career, marriage remains a topic of contention. Iyabo reflected on her own experience of becoming a mother at 23, yet Priscilla insists on taking her own path, asserting her independence and urging her mother not to rush her into marriage.

The dialogue between mother and daughter reflects a generational shift in perspectives on marriage and personal fulfillment, with Priscilla asserting her autonomy and Iyabo respecting her daughter's wishes while still expressing her hopes for Priscilla's future.

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