Video of Auntie Ramota getting drunk after taking beer goes viral

Video of Auntie Ramota getting drunk after taking beer goes viral

In a recent video, Auntie Ramota was seen sipping beer, and to everyone's surprise, she appeared intoxicated even before taking a sip. The humorous twist lies in the fact that Auntie Ramota seemed drunk without even consuming any of the beer.

Social media has been buzzing with reactions, with many wondering how Auntie Ramota will manage if she continues indulging in beer to this extent. Here are some reactions:

Atinukeaolat joked: "Aunty Ramota, you never drink beer, but you're behaving like one who does. Please, stay away from alcohol and just enjoy life peacefully."

Best_intimate expressed concern: "Why take beer, Aunty Ramota? Let's abandon this mission."

Rachymiami commented on her appearance: "Look at her mouth, resembling my great grandmother's mouth. Aunty Ramota, oh!"

Micheal_king_09 questioned: "Do you want this auntie to get high?"

Yeyeoooge criticized: "Someone who was already high, now given beer again... Please, where are the teeth she'll use to eat all these goat heads or whatever this is?"

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