Nollywood actress and producer Mo Bimpe took to Instagram to appreciate her husband, Lateef Adedimeji. Sharing a photo of the couple, she called him her "Everyday crush" and thanked him for making life easy and beautiful for her. She expressed her gratitude to God for gifting him to her and affirmed her love for him.
Mo Bimpe wrote: "My everyday Crush @adedimejilateef. Thank you for all you do; you make life so easy and beautiful; grateful to God for the gift of you. I love you so much, babe. You know I do. Adeadeforever. LoveLikeMovies."
In February, Mo Bimpe celebrated Lateef's 40th birthday with a heartfelt message, highlighting his unwavering support and their strong bond. She surprised him with 40 customized gift boxes, which left him overwhelmed. Lateef shared his gratitude on Instagram, noting how his wife continually finds creative ways to surprise him.
Reciprocating the love on her birthday, Lateef credited Mo Bimpe for making him the man he is today, expressing his fortune to have her in his life. The couple also celebrated their 2nd anniversary in December, with Mo Bimpe describing him as her greatest blessing and source of happiness. Lateef, in turn, praised her for illuminating his path with love and positivity.
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