Nollywood actress Destiny Etiko expressed her excitement and joy as her colleague, Ekene Umenwa, welcomed her first child. Ekene, who got married last year, shared the news on Monday, revealing the birth of her baby through a heartfelt post. In a unique maternity shoot, she channeled her inner Virgin Mary, expressing how blessed she felt by the Lord's mercy during her pregnancy.
Ekene described her pregnancy journey as a wonderful experience and credited Mother Mary for guiding her throughout. To honor this, she dressed as Mother Mary in her maternity photoshoot. Sharing a clip from the shoot, Destiny Etiko revealed her elation upon hearing the news. She praised God for His goodness and expressed her eagerness to meet the newborn.
Destiny wrote, “Sis, when you called earlier and said, ‘I HAVE GIVEN BIRTH,’ I shouted because I know the journey. And I know God Almighty has been so good. Thanks to God Almighty. Can’t wait to see our baby. Congratulations once again, my beloved sister.”
In response, Ekene Umenwa appreciated Destiny for her unwavering support, commenting, “Thank you for being there from day one, my own sis. Ekene, give birth first then I will tell you my mind. Make I dey remind you your lines. Love you, sis.”
The exchange highlights the strong bond between the two actresses and Destiny Etiko's heartfelt support for her friend's new chapter in life.
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