Nollywood actress Debbie Shokoya has finally shared details about her pregnancy journey, a year after suffering a heartbreaking loss. In a lengthy and emotional post on her Instagram page, Debbie revealed that what initially seemed like a setback turned out to be part of God's greater plan for her.
Debbie recalled how a medical test indicated that she had high prolactin levels, leading her to believe that conception that month was unlikely. However, to her surprise, she discovered she was pregnant. Reflecting on her journey, she shared how the devil tried to use her past trauma against her, but she felt God's unwavering support throughout, blessing her beyond words.
Debbie wrote: “When men say there is a casting down, God said, ‘There’s a lifting up!!’ I have got a lot to write but will save it till when I can tell you all on my show on ‘DEBBIE SHOW TV’ YouTube channel. I will just write this here… I thought I lost, but God was planning the best for me!! Result said ‘High Prolactin’ and I shouldn’t bother trying that month until it was normal, but God was smiling and said ‘It’s this month!!’ High prolactin turned to pregnancy positive. The devil tried using my trauma against me on this journey, but God was standing for me. God blessed me beyond how I can describe His love for me!!”
Debbie concluded her message by encouraging her followers to trust in God's timing: "I will leave you all with this… ‘GOD IS WORKING, AND IF YOU BELIEVE, HE IS ON YOUR MATTER AND SO PASSIONATE ABOUT YOU!!’ It won’t happen in your own way, it will happen in God’s way and trust me… it makes sense.”
The actress also promised to share more about her experience on her YouTube channel, offering further insights into her journey and the power of faith.
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