Beloved comedian actress Rukayat Lawal, renowned as Iya Ibadan Sneh, has taken to her social media channels to mark a significant milestone in her son's life as he celebrates his birthday.
Through her social media platform, Rukayat Lawal shared a touching message overflowing with happiness and gratitude for the blessing her son is in her life. Accompanied by a series of photos capturing their cherished moments, she beautifully encapsulated the unique bond shared between a mother and her child.
The caption of her post reads: "I celebrate you my beloved son, May the rest of your life be the best enjoy your day to the fullest love @kingo_freak."
In another post, she playfully added, "Abi iru omo wo re bayi? A yam not from ile eleegun oo, anyways still ur day Omo Eni @kingo_freak more life more wins Abudu Malikiiiii."
Her social media account was further adorned with a heartfelt post expressing her joy and gratitude for the precious gift of her son. The collection of photos she shared encapsulates their cherished memories, underlining the unique and unbreakable connection that exists between a mother and her child. This touching gesture from the renowned comedian actress has resonated deeply with her followers, showcasing the beauty of motherly love.
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