"Bullying In This Industry Has To Stop" Actor Jigan Babaoja Confronts Movie Director Over Disrespectful Behavior On Set

"Bullying In This Industry Has To Stop" Actor Jigan Babaoja Confronts Movie Director Over Disrespectful Behavior On Set

Nollywood actor Jigan BabaOja has taken a stand against the mistreatment of actors and actresses in the industry by some movie directors. In a recent Instagram post, Jigan shared a video from a comedy movie set where he confronted a movie director for using disrespectful language when addressing him. He emphasized that being a director and him being an actor shouldn't make him fearful and called for an end to the bullying culture within the movie industry, which often affects younger talents. The video has garnered significant attention on social media, with thousands of reactions from fans and supporters of Jigan.

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