"I Got Married At 34 As Virgin Despite Being An Actress" Actress Bimbo Success Reveals (Video)

"I Got Married At 34 As Virgin Despite Being An Actress" Actress Bimbo Success Reveals (Video)

During an interview with Talk to Biola, a platform where celebrities share insights into their lives and journeys in the entertainment industry, actress Bimbo Success made a surprising revelation. She disclosed that she got married at the age of 34 as a virgin, despite being part of the entertainment industry.

Bimbo Success explained that many people found it hard to believe her story because they didn't think it was possible for an actress to be a virgin at that age and have never been in a relationship. She also revealed that she refrained from disclosing the person's name who questioned her about not having a partner when rumors circulated in the industry.

Furthermore, she emphasized that she remained focused and undistracted in her pursuit of marriage, eventually finding her life partner. Her dedication to maintaining her values and virtue garnered praise from many who admired her decency despite her career in the film industry.

Bimbo Success, a renowned Nigerian actress, event planner, entertainer, and movie producer, has earned recognition for her notable roles in Nollywood films. Born on November 15, she belongs to the Yoruba tribe and was born and raised in Lagos State, where she received her early education.

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