Tragedy struck in the Agbeku community as Gunmen invaded a church in Kwara, kidnap a clergyman, and two others, and killed the pastor's wife.

Tragedy struck in the Agbeku community as Gunmen invaded a church in Kwara, kidnap a clergyman, and two others, and killed the pastor's wife.

Tragedy struck in Agbeku community, Kwara State, on the night of November 11, 2023, when gunmen targeted the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA). Mrs. Olawale, the wife of an ECWA pastor, lost her life in the attack, and three others were kidnapped.

The assailants entered both the church's auditorium and the victims' residences during the incident. Mrs. Olawale, who ran a provision store in the area, was among those killed. Additionally, the gunmen abducted Rev Oladunni, the current chairman of the ECWA Igbaja District Church Council (DCC), according to Hon Rasaki Subair, a community leader who confirmed the tragic event to Daily Trust.

“They killed Mrs Olawale, wife of one of the pastors who operates a thriving provision store in the community while another person who was also shot is battling for life in a hospital now. They also went away with the aide of the late pastor’s wife and another male victim,” he said.

A senior officer also confirmed the incident to the publication. 

 “We are trying to get details about the incident for now,” the officer said. 

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