“I love drama” Iyabo Ojo Acknowledges Opposite Zodiac Traits While Looking Forward to Birthday

“I love drama” Iyabo Ojo Acknowledges Opposite Zodiac Traits While Looking Forward to Birthday

Nollywood actress Iyabo Ojo, gearing up for her December birthday, unveils intriguing details about her Sagittarius Zodiac sign. In a social media post, she shares various traits of Sagittarius, highlighting their adventurous spirit, energy, loyalty, and philosophical nature. However, Iyabo candidly admits to contradicting one common Sagittarius characteristic—she loves drama, contrary to their tendency to avoid it.

In her own words, she writes, "Welcome to my birth month……….. the best month of the year Sagittarius loves exploring and wandering the world. They always have tons of energy and are up for any adventure. They can be impatient at times. Sagittarius is the most loyal friend you’ll ever have, but they still desire freedom and expansion. They can be very philosophical, very creative, and stubborn. They avoid drama and focus on what’s important to them. They’re funny and generous. They can take time to commit, but once they do, it’s forever! Sagittarius is compatible with Aries, Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius. But I love drama, in advance to me."

Iyabo's humorous acknowledgment of her love for drama adds a unique touch to her celebration of Sagittarius traits, making her anticipation for her birthday even more delightful.

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