"I Cannot Live Without Her" Man Opens Up About Unrequited Love, Declares Teen Actress Oluebube As His Only Option

"I Cannot Live Without Her" Man Opens Up About Unrequited Love, Declares Teen Actress Oluebube As His Only Option

A Nigerian man has poured out his emotions, expressing that he cannot live without teen actress Oluebube. In a heartfelt plea, he emphasizes the profound impact Oluebube has on his life and seeks understanding and support.

The man, through a video shared on Destiny Etiko's page, reveals the depth of his feelings, stating that Oluebube is his life, and despite attempting to stop thinking about her, he finds it challenging. Nigerians who came across the video are expressing concern, questioning the appropriateness of a grown man expressing such sentiments towards a teen like Oluebube, unaware that she is already 19 years old.

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