"Thank You For Being Wonderful Children" Veteran Actress Toyin Adewale Pours Gratitude To Sons Mayokun And Ayo For Their Achievements

"Thank You For Being Wonderful Children" Veteran Actress Toyin Adewale Pours Gratitude To Sons Mayokun And Ayo For Their Achievements

Renowned actress Toyin Adewale has penned a heartfelt message expressing her profound gratitude to her sons, Mayokun and Ayo, for their unwavering support and accomplishments. Despite her inability to closely monitor their activities, she acknowledges their reliability and commitment to upholding the family name.

Reflecting on a welcome dinner organized by her sons, Toyin Adewale acknowledges their wonderful and reliable nature. She extends her appreciation for their behavior and maintenance of family values, even in her absence.

The actress thanks God for the success her children have achieved in the music industry and prays for His continued guidance, blessings, protection, and the radiant light of His face upon them. She expresses her deep gratitude for their actions during her short stay and wishes her sons peace and prosperity, invoking God's goodness and mercies upon them.

Toyin Adewale concludes by seeking blessings and prayers from well-wishers for her children, emphasizing the importance of gratitude and acknowledging God's grace in their lives. The post is adorned with hashtags such as #thankyoujesus, #omolashomi, #childrenareGod’sheritage, and others.

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