"I Became A Cab Driver In America Just To Put Food On The Table" Actor Femi Brainard Reveasl

"I Became A Cab Driver In America Just To Put Food On The Table" Actor Femi Brainard Reveasl

Nollywood actor Femi Brainard has revealed the hardships he faced after moving to the United States and resorting to cab driving to support his family.

Speaking candidly to comedian Teju Babyface on his podcast, Brainard shared his experience and feelings about transitioning from being a celebrity in Nigeria to an anonymous life abroad.

"I became a cab driver in America just to put food on the table," Brainard disclosed. "People frequently look at me in shock whenever they see me, especially Nigerian travelers, and wonder if I’m really the well-known celebrity they recognize."

Brainard expressed frustration over the lack of recognition and respect for his celebrity status in the US, contrasting it with his fame in Nigeria. He admitted feeling sorry for his wife, who initially opposed the move overseas.

"I know these couple from the airport, the husband was like, ‘ask him if he is Femi Brainard and I said yes. The husband didn’t know when he reached at me and asked ‘bros what are you doing here," Brainard recounted.

Reflecting on his lowest moments, Brainard revealed breaking down in tears in a parking lot due to financial stress and the pressure of providing for his family.

"As difficult as Nigeria seems to be, I would rather be a prince and a celebrity in a system that is not working than come to this place and be a nobody. I am still bothered about rent," Brainard emphasized, highlighting his ongoing concerns about meeting basic needs like rent.

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