"None of you have the right to tell me to do a DNA test except I wish to." Mohbad's wife rains curses on those requesting a DNA test.

"None of you have the right to tell me to do a DNA test except I wish to." Mohbad's wife rains curses on those requesting a DNA test.

Wunmi, the wife of the late singer Mohbad, has taken a firm stance against demands for a DNA test to confirm her son's paternity, asserting that Mohbad was the one who initiated her into womanhood and fathered their child. Despite facing pressure from some quarters, she vehemently refuses the test, cursing those making the requests and asserting her right to decline.

In a voice note, Wunmi opens up about her financial difficulties, expressing her inability to pay bloggers for support. She emphasizes receiving genuine support from fellow mothers and refuses to succumb to external pressures.

Temisola Blogger reported Wunmi's statement: "Mohbad was my husband till death. He put a ring on my finger and he deflowered me. He was the only man that ever saw my nakedness. I am the mother of my son. None of you have the right to tell me to do DNA except I wish to. You all are mad. Liam will never be a victim like his father; he will be a victor. I don’t have any money to give bloggers but genuine fathers and mothers are supporting me."

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