Nigerian actor Amokade Omotayo, popularly known as Ijebu, has voiced his frustration over being typecast as a gateman in films, often without any romantic scenes. He feels that even in a gateman role, he should be given the chance to have a romantic scene, such as kissing a female character who visits the home where he works.
Ijebu took to Instagram to make his request in Yoruba, urging movie producers to consider adding such scenes to his roles. His post quickly drew attention from friends and colleagues, who humorously suggested actresses he could potentially kiss in films.
Among the playful suggestions were Iya Gbonkan, a well-known actress known for playing villainous roles, and Iya Ramota. These suggestions elicited laughter and light-hearted comments from his followers.
Reactions from netizens included:
queenoluwa: “I have an idea. (Nigerian Titanic) you and Aunty Ramota would be a perfect match for kissing.”
aremooba_: “That one no be issue. You will kiss Iya Gbonkan or Iya no network.”
orlahkash: “@ijebuuofficial ft @kiss @iya_gbonkan @aunty_ramota, once upon a time an unwanted man.”
olatunde_omoakin: “This is more reason we should protest. If our government is good and competent, why won’t you kiss in a movie? Tinubu, you failed us and also failed our movie industry.”
allclassbenson: “They didn’t let you kiss when you were young. Now that you’re older, you want to kiss? Sorry, it’s too late. We can’t allow such. Omo werey dey beg for kiss.”
Ijebu's plea and the ensuing reactions highlight the ongoing debate about actor roles and the dynamics of casting in the Nigerian film industry.
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