Nollywood actor and film producer Akin Olaiya shared joyful moments from his visit to the UK, where he reunited with his longtime friend and junior colleague, Mustapha Sholagbade. Expressing gratitude to God, Olaiya reflected on the blessings of life and the opportunities to learn and grow.
In a heartfelt post on his verified social media page, Olaiya thanked God for the gift of life and the people who enrich his days with love and kindness. He shared a video of himself and Sholagbade, highlighting their enduring friendship.
Fans and followers reacted warmly to the post, appreciating the bond between the two actors.
Olaiya wrote: "Thank you for the gift of life, for the beauty of Your creation, and for the people who enrich my days with their love and kindness. I am grateful for the opportunities You have provided me to grow, learn, and become a better person.… Alhamdulillah, robil alamina. Kudos, brother… @mustiphasholagbade 💕"
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