Nollywood actress Toyosi Adesanya has offered heartfelt prayers for her colleague and childhood friend, Femi Adebayo. In a touching Instagram post, she described Femi, a renowned figure in the film industry, as an amazing soul and acknowledged his unwavering support since their early days.
Adesanya noted the duality of life, expressing her gratitude for Femi's steadfast friendship. She showered him with powerful prayers, wishing him continuous success and protection from any adversities.
Her post read: "An amazing soul There are 2 sides to a coin I don’t know how to appreciate a bosom friend who has been so supportive since our childhood days, Abdulateef Oluwafemi Ishola omo Adebayo Salami. Lines shall continue to fall in pleasant places for you. You are a shining star. You will not wither. Anyone born of a woman or who came to this world through another means (who prays for your downfall) will experience the wrath of Almighty Allah that you believe in. Go into the world and make more progress, more success, and an abundance of grace (our pride). LAWYER LATEEF, as I fondly call you, @adebayo.salami’s dynasty will forever live in harmony @olawale.s.adebayo @topeadebayosalami @sodiqadebayo."
Femi Adebayo responded in the comments, expressing his gratitude for the prayers, writing, "Thank you."
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