15 Things You Must Take To 2017 NYSC Orientation Camp Or Else You Are Doomed.....

15 Things You Must Take To 2017 NYSC Orientation Camp Or Else You Are Doomed.....

The 2017 NYSC Orientation is fast approaching and we felt we should let you know all the items necessary for the camp session cause without some of them,i don't know you will cope at the camp.Here are the 15 items you will need for survival for 3 weeks at your respective orientation camps.

1.3 round-neck white t-shirts
2.2 pair of shorts (optional)
3.An extra pair of white tennis shoes
4.Medium-sized Waist pouch
5.Sunglasses (If you are posted to the North)
8.Bed sheets and pillow case
10.Extra set of clothes for Sunday
11.Cereals and provisions
12.Cash (at least N25, 000)
13.Food Flask
For the ladies that like to pack two or more luggage boxes,you wouldn't be needing that at the camp oo,cos all you will be wearing most of the time will be your White Customized Nysc Shirt and your khaki

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