”I fasted 40 days and 40 nights at the age of 80” – Pastor Adeboye reveals

”I fasted 40 days and 40 nights at the age of 80” – Pastor Adeboye reveals

In a recent sermon, Pastor Adeboye, the esteemed leader of the Redeemed Christian Church, shared a surprising revelation about his remarkable accomplishment. He disclosed that, at the age of 80, he undertook a fast lasting over 40 days and nights, continuing into his 81st year.

During his address, Pastor Adeboye recounted facing discouragement from many who expressed concerns about his age and the potential health implications of such a prolonged fast. Despite suggestions that he was too old for such rigorous fasting, they reassured him that God would understand if he chose not to undergo such an extended period of fasting.

Undeterred by discouragement, Pastor Adeboye remained resolute in his determination, motivated by a profound belief in the spiritual significance of his extended fast. Originally planning a ten-day trial, he surpassed that goal.

In his recent sermon, Pastor Adeboye shared that he had previously experienced leg issues, leading him to preach and teach from an armchair. However, he confidently stood before the congregation, revealing his restored health and emphasizing that fasting should be guided by spiritual goals rather than age.

The pastor stressed in his sermon that regardless of age, individuals should embrace fasting when spiritually required, encouraging a deeper understanding of the spiritual aspects of fasting beyond physical considerations.

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