Veteran Actor Yemi Solade Stresses The Importance Of Respect In Social Media Interactions

Veteran Actor Yemi Solade Stresses The Importance Of Respect In Social Media Interactions

Yemi Solade, a respected figure in Nollywood, has taken a stand against online disrespect, particularly from teenagers on social media. At 62, he emphasizes the importance of maintaining respect in online interactions and refuses to tolerate negative comments. Solade, who holds a chieftaincy title, asserts his identity as an African man, stating that social media does not provide a level playing field, especially when dealing with younger individuals.

Reflecting on his recent birthday, Solade shares that turning 62 doesn't evoke any special feelings, emphasizing that he remains the same hale and hearty individual. In discussing his 45-year acting career, he credits the combination of quality training, natural talent, and physical attributes for his enduring popularity in the entertainment industry. The actor expresses a focused and selective approach to public appearances, preferring to attend chosen events where he can let his work speak for itself.

In his own words, Solade states, “I am human and I am on social media to express myself. I am not there to encourage anybody to throw jabs at me. I am an African man who is a chieftaincy title holder. I cannot allow an 18-year-old throw jabs at me. I will send that person back to his parents because this is Africa. Social media is not a leveller.” These words underline his firm stance on maintaining dignity in online interactions and the significance he places on his cultural identity.

Yemi Solade's perspective on online respect, reflections on aging, and his selective approach to public appearances provide valuable insights into the mindset of this veteran actor in the Nigerian entertainment industry.

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