"I Asked My Mom If She Worked At Night When She Was Pregnant," Comedian Portablee Says

"I Asked My Mom If She Worked At Night When She Was Pregnant," Comedian Portablee Says

During an interview with Portablee, a popular comedian, emotions ran high as questions about her height became a topic of discussion.

According to Portablee, she found it difficult to respond when asked about her height, ultimately revealing that she was the only short one in her family, including her mother, father, and stepfather.

Netizens criticized Ijebuu, the interviewer, for probing too deeply into personal matters, suggesting that it was inappropriate and disrespectful.

In response to the backlash, Ijebuu expressed remorse, acknowledging the sensitivity of the topic and the emotional toll it took on Portablee during the interview.

"This is so touching, GBAGEDE ORO…. I was so emotional when conducting the interview with my colleague @_portablee," he wrote.

Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

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