More Than 88 Million Nigerians Struggling in Extreme Poverty, Urgent Action Needed, Says Government

More Than 88 Million Nigerians Struggling in Extreme Poverty, Urgent Action Needed, Says Government

Temitope Fadeshemi, the Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, has drawn attention to the alarming poverty situation in Nigeria. Speaking during the distribution of farm inputs and empowerment materials to smallholder farmers in Kaduna, Fadeshemi highlighted that a staggering 88.4 million Nigerians are living in extreme poverty.

The distribution event, which benefited 250 smallholder farmers, was conducted as part of the National Poverty Reduction with Growth Strategy (NPRGS). This initiative seeks to address the pressing issue of poverty across the country.

Fadeshemi, represented by Bashir Abdulkadir, Director of the Department of Extension Services of the ministry, emphasized the severity of the poverty situation, noting that both men and women are affected, with millions living on less than $1.90 USD a day.

Furthermore, Fadeshemi highlighted Nigeria's significant contribution to global poverty statistics, with 12.9 percent of the world's extremely poor residing in the country as of 2022.

In response to this dire situation, Fadeshemi underscored the commitment of the Federal government, in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Budget and National Planning and FMAFS, to implement measures aimed at reducing poverty nationwide. The distribution of farm inputs and empowerment materials represents one of the many efforts being made to alleviate poverty and improve livelihoods across Nigeria.

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