NYSC corps member laments as he receives a monthly salary of N2,000 from his Primary Place of Assignment (PPA).

NYSC corps member laments as he receives a monthly salary of N2,000 from his Primary Place of Assignment (PPA).

Oyerinde Muhammad-Hadi Folarin, an ambitious National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member and top-notch graduate in Health Education from the University of Ilorin, has taken to social media to express his dismay. Despite achieving academic excellence, Folarin revealed that his private Primary Place of Assignment (PPA) in Abuja compensates him with a mere N2,000 monthly stipend. This revelation has sparked frustration and disbelief as he highlighted the stark contrast between his payment and the standard N33,000 monthly allowance provided by the federal government for corps members. Folarin, considering a future 9-5 job, contemplates the relevance and necessity of the NYSC scheme, contemplating whether to discontinue his participation.

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