"We don't need soldiers" Sunday Igboho Vows To Drive Out Killer Herdsmen From Southwest Nigeria

"We don't need soldiers" Sunday Igboho Vows To Drive Out Killer Herdsmen From Southwest Nigeria

Yoruba nation activist Sunday Adeyemo, famously known as Sunday Igboho, has returned to Nigeria with a clear mission: to rid the southwest region of what he terms "killer herdsmen." Speaking to a gathering in Igboho town, Oyo state, Igboho emphasized the urgent need for the people of the southwest to free themselves from the terror inflicted by these herdsmen.

Asserting the importance of collective action, Igboho declared, "We need to come together... We should take charge of the security of the southwest. We don’t need to wait for anybody or the government." He pointed out the dire situation facing the region, stating, "They have taken away our land... They killed our monarchs in Ekiti state."

Igboho stressed the self-reliance of the southwest communities in safeguarding their land, proclaiming, "We don’t need soldiers for protection." Instead, he proposed a strategy of driving out the intruders to reclaim their farmlands, enabling the people to resume agricultural activities without fear.

In his rallying cry, Igboho urged unity and collaboration with elders to ensure the security and prosperity of their land. His return signals a renewed determination to confront the challenges facing the southwest region and assert the rights of its people.

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