Husband drags wife to court because he is AA, she is AS, and their son is SS (Video)

Husband drags wife to court because he is AA, she is AS, and their son is SS (Video)

A man has taken his wife to court alleging paternity fraud after discovering that their son's genotype, SS, is medically incompatible with his own genotype, AA. Speaking in court on 9jacasefiles, the distressed husband recounted how he first learned of the discrepancy.

According to the man, both he and his wife have known genotypes: he is AA, while his wife is AS. However, their son was diagnosed with the genotype SS at the age of two. Despite subsequent tests reaffirming the parents' genotypes, the child's genotype remained unchanged.

Frustrated by the situation, the man decided to undergo a DNA test to confirm his suspicions. In response, his wife acknowledged the truth of the situation but criticized his approach, suggesting he should have been upfront about his doubts regarding paternity rather than displaying conflicting attitudes.

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