"I woke up and tore all my prayer requests" Actress Toke Makinwa spills on her relationship with God.

"I woke up and tore all my prayer requests" Actress Toke Makinwa spills on her relationship with God.

Toke Makinwa, media personality and actress, recently took to Twitter, now known as X, to offer a glimpse into her spiritual journey and the reasoning behind a profound decision.

Makinwa disclosed that she made the decision to tear up all her prayer requests, prompted by a realization that adversity can strike anyone, irrespective of their faith. She emphasized the notion that God doesn't owe anything to anyone and that life unfolds with both joys and sorrows.

Expressing her struggle to reconcile with the existence of pain and suffering in the world, especially among the innocent and young, Makinwa maintained her belief in the presence of a higher power. However, she clarified that her actions weren't a dismissal of the power of prayer or the potential for divine intervention.

In her own words, Makinwa shared, "I know God is real but I struggle to understand why there is so much pain in the world, why good people die, why death has to be so excruciating... Today I woke up and tore up all my prayer requests... Just do your own bit and relax, life has already been programmed to happen how it will."

She urged individuals not to misinterpret her actions, emphasizing that they weren't a denial of prayer's efficacy. Instead, she encouraged embracing the present moment, irrespective of its nature, and acknowledging that both fortunate and unfortunate events are part of life's predetermined path.

See her post below:

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