"Many Of Us Has Build Upto 3 houses, But Some Still Spend Lavishly On Women" Kwam1’s Drummer, Ayanyemi Defend Him Over Stingy Allegations

"Many Of Us Has Build Upto 3 houses, But Some Still Spend Lavishly On Women" Kwam1’s Drummer, Ayanyemi Defend Him Over Stingy Allegations

Drummers associated with music icon King Wasiu Ayinde, aka KWAM 1, share contrasting views on their treatment and financial compensation.

Kamrudeen Ayanyemi, known as Bata K1, praises KWAM 1 for treating them well and providing generous payment for their services. He highlights weekly payments and financial support during performances, asserting that those who worked diligently achieved success.

In contrast, Kunle Ayanlowo, another drummer, expresses dissatisfaction, citing instances where their passports were seized and they were sent home during medical treatment.

However, Bata K1 defends KWAM 1, emphasizing the financial stability and opportunities provided to band members. He notes that their earnings surpass those of some government officials and mentions bandmates who have built multiple houses from their income.

While acknowledging KWAM 1's lavish spending habits, Bata K1 suggests that many band members lack financial literacy, leading to mismanagement of funds.

Bata K1 clarifies that his remarks are not a rebuttal but an acknowledgment of KWAM 1's efforts, particularly his recent support for corps members.

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