Renowned Nollywood actor Odunlade Adekola has captured the hearts of many Nigerians after being spotted playing football on the streets of Lagos Island. In a video shared by the actor, he is seen enjoying a lively game with local boys, expressing his gratitude to the warm and welcoming community.
Adekola engaged with his fans in the post, inviting those from Lagos Island to raise their hands and share their pride in their community. The video quickly garnered attention, with many fans and followers expressing their appreciation for the actor’s down-to-earth nature and his connection with the people.
In his post, Adekola affectionately referred to the community as "My Wonderful Family in Lagos Island ❤️❤️❤️" and used the hashtag #alakadabadandboujee.
Fans flooded the comment section with reactions:
Oladiamond2272 asked, “Please sir, where is our Lakatabu on Prime Video as we no dey 9ja to watch in the Cinema.”
Odunomoladele8 expressed disappointment, saying, “Damn!!!💔😭 Why I no con know say bro Odun came to my hood… Fuvk!”
Wizswags congratulated the actor, writing, “Nice to see you sir 🙌🙌🙌 Congratulations to my brand on its 10th anniversary!!! Pls say a prayer for me ❤️.”
Iambillielarry joked, “Daddy, abeg make una no let Chelsea see this post sha 😂😂.”
Babababadiamond humorously noted, “Egbon, u too serious for kekere oooooooo, u no sabi play football ⚽ but u be guru for ur field 💯.”
Ade_wun_mii_0416 shared, “Ahhhhh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Elegbon Agba, e pain me as I no Dey house 🏡 my brother from another mother.”
Perfecta_ag even suggested, “@chelseafc pls get us the tall man!! He’s better than Jackson at the forward.”
Odunlade Adekola’s playful interaction with the local community and his fans further solidifies his status as a beloved figure in Nigerian entertainment.
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